As an everyday citizen, I am just plain old Gary Roberts. On weekends, I put on the uniform of a Confederate soldier, and I am 1Sgt. Gary Roberts, Civil War Reenactor, and member of Co."I", 7th Arkansas Infantry Volunteers. I have been doing this crazy "hobby" for six years, and last year I wrote a one-man, first-person play entitled "Co."I". It is not the story of the generals and other hierarchy in the war, but rather the trials and tribulations that one man went through during four years of the War for Southern Independence. Experience the everyday life of the common soldier, as told by an old veteran twenty-five years after the war's end, in the year 1890. I have performed this play for various Sons of Confederate Veterans' groups, civic organizations, and schools all around the state of Arkansas, and am available to travel to your area to present this play to your club, group, or organization. I would dearly love to perform for free, but just cannot for economic reasons. But, my fee is very reasonable, so all you Program Directors for various clubs and organizations out there that would like to have a good ninety-minute program on the War For Southern Independence, give me a call at 501-239-5013, or E-mail me for further details.